1. Tom P.

    Congrats on the progress to date! Looking forward to see what is discussed on this blog.

  2. Ed W

    Welcome back, Randy!

    • Michael Erickson

      Hi Ed! Looking forward to your comments about Randy and hydrino’s.

  3. Szymon

    Dear Dr. Randell L. Mills

    I am following the development since Black Light Power times.
    Congratulation on your discovery.

    The year 2018 was marked by plans for commercialization.
    This year (2019) only R&D information seeped through.

    Can I ask some questions:
    – are there already any BLP-Devices producing continual heat/current?
    – “48 milestones achieved”. Out of?

    Greetings from Europe,

  4. Alright G

    I’m here to watch and see what goes down!

  5. Stefan Reul

    Can you pleas comment the new results of the Parker sun probe regarding measurement of the corona ? Seems to confirm some of the GUTCP predictions.

  6. Cashmemorz

    James Bowery, on the GUToCp site, was asking if the Millsian app can be used to predict Hydrino compounds.

    The way I understand that the Millsian works is, it uses two formulas that describe in full detail, the heat of formation of only atoms as they exist with their outer electron at the more usual level

    The Hydrino is a form of Hydrogen that has different characteristics, by way of its electron being at a lower orbit than the lowest known, normal orbit. So that atoms with their outer electron at such lower orbits would require formulas that take such lower orbits into consideration, to be able to use such atoms for describing molecules in the Millsian app. Also to allow such atoms to be used in the Millsian, all of the atoms that had their electron at the many possible lower orbit would have to be reworked regarding the two formulas used in the Millsian.

    • Tryantofindlight

      Good points, also was thinking about possibilities in molecular bonds with hydrogen in the lower/deeper electron orbits of certain metals. These special “pico-hydrides” and other hydrino compounds would be interesting possibilities for any person to peak into if genuine. Possible denser energy sources than hydrinos alone, without quite reaching nuclear shuffling. From 100s of eV up to 10s of keV possibly, still safer than fission PWRs and easier than thermonuclear fusion. Is this possible in Mills approach?

  7. Pius Zaleski

    With regard to the Topic of Power, I would like to suggest two dashboard items be created in 2020 on Brilliant Light Power’s website.

    1) Brilliant Clock Works
    A display of the Longest Number of Hours which a Hydrino Reactor has been
    continuously operated. It could offer best, historical and cumulative view options.

    2) Brilliant Performance Stage
    A display Indicating the COP of tests which measured Energy In and Energy Out.
    It could offer best, historical and cumulative view options.
    could have
    a cumulative or individual test view.

  8. Thomas Wamm

    Is there any hydrino-related hobbyist-scale hardware or science toy that I can buy right now for under USD$1000, to make it real to me, and as an early-adopter souvenir artifact? Enough reading already; now I want hands on experience.

  9. William Wilson

    My recollection of the predictions of Sun Cell progress through late 2017 is that further developments and, perhaps, demonstrations of a commercial version that device might soon become reality. However, it appears that availability of suitable containers/environments have been challenging. Since the demonstration several years ago wrt destruction (melting and/or vaporization of Ti) I have been a bit skeptical as regards heat dissipation of containers for Sun Cells. The water bath experiments indicate that the problems remain, however, the BLP Business summary suggests that Dr. Mills’ research group may have found a/the solution to that challenge. It would be interesting/critical to know the answers.

  10. J. Harding

    Let’s focus on a thermal plasma system. No recovery of the oxy and silver contact me

  11. Pius Zaleski

    Topic: Power

    Is a 2T field in such a small nozzle as describe in MHD paper realizable?

    If so, permanent or electromagnetic field source?

    Was field strength investigated as a parameter and what proportional effect does it have on the results?

    • Randy Mills

      The B flux can be much lower than in conventional MHD. Note the power density of 23 MW/liter. Lower field will lower the power density, but 23 MW/liter is many orders of magnitude that of any known power converter. Also, the channel dimensions are small which is permissive of a high flux relatively easily.

  12. Mike Miller

    I wish you well Randell in this time of coronavirus epidemic. Recent European economic responses to the crisis caused by the virus indicate that they want their recovery to be “green” all the way through. Other countries like Japan and China, Poland etc are sticking to fossil fuels for energy in the projected recovery period. Again, I want to urge you to strike while the iron is hot and get a working reactor supplying electricity in the public sector. What about those contracts you had with towns in New Mexico? Can you tell us what the timeline looks like at this point for commercialization of hydrino power?
    Thank you and as always Best Wishes!

    • Randy Mills

      We are working on the thermal market first. As an indicator of demand, thermal is an $8T/y market and electricity is $3.5T. Almost 100% of the thermal energy is utilized, and the systems are much cheaper, simpler, and easier to operate and maintain.

  13. Corry Webster

    Hi Randy,

    Is this actually what it seems to be? I’m quite taken back by emotion and would just ask if this energy will be available by the end of the year… Is this a major part of the shut down currently? Meaning to aid in the transition of what is taking place with you and your teams work? God bless and thanQ

  14. Ilovethis

    Appropriate, right now I agree that those issue should find an outlet.

  15. Jamesfew

    You’ve astonishing information listed here.

  16. Mark V. Iverson

    Benjamin Franklin found electrical charge in clouds during a thunder storm. N.Tesla found that the earth was a spherical capacitor with the solar wind providing the charge to the clouds. Most science students determine the distance of lightening by the difference between the speed of light and the speed of sound. Lightening is a plasma state. From an airplane looking down, a lightening flash spreads in a small disk within a cloud. Rolling thunder from the shock wave continues for 30-60 sec.

    What causes thunder? Do hydrinos explode from the water vapor in the plasma?

  17. LBJ

    It seems to me that generating electricity using a time tested steam engine is a much quicker method to bring a Sun Cell system to market than MHD, super concentrator photovoltaic cells, and other methods under consideration by the Brilliant Light engineers.
    With appropriate steam conditions the steam rotary vane motor ,shown in the youtube URL link above, can flow up to 20,000 lbs/hr. at up to 250 psig. and will produce up to 600 kw. of electricity or approximately 3X the inlet pressure.
    When Dr. Mills has a working Sun Cell boiler design, perhaps he could use this ready made system as a test bed to quickly test his Sun Cell boiler design. Once he has his boiler tweaked to it’s maximum performance level, he could then design his own steam plant. Comments anyone?

    • Randy Mills

      We have a design for a micro-gas turbine system.

  18. LBJ

    Congratulations Dr. Mills! on your BrLP’s 56-hour SunCell® duration run.
    You and your team have made a huge number of Iterations to the SunCell® . After this Covid pandemic is over, it would be great if you could do another lecture like the one you did at Fresno State in California on Feb. 27, 2017. We have sooooo many questions and your lectures answer many more questions than you have time to answer on the BrLP website’s blog. Thanks and wishing the BrLP team much continued success.

  19. David Selke

    Good luck Dr. Mills and BrLP! Looks like some great progress, and a good decision to pursue thermal first. I will be patient waiting for commercialization, but in the nearer term hope to see many of the world’s scientists testing out a GUTCP paradigm. There’s nothing like having the right theory to inspire great invention.

  20. Peter Wolstenholme

    In the longer term, I see a great future in aviation. Perhaps a hybrid concept, as follows. A SunCell generates electricity, using the MHD process. This charges a battery, and electric motors drive the propellers for quiet take-off. Then, jet engines, using the immense heat available, take over to fly the aircraft a bit faster and a lot further. Note that if the jet engines need not operate at low air speeds they will be easier to design and optimise.
    End result, quiet at the airfield, no pollution, no need to carry vast amounts of fuel. Immense flight range in fact: potentially unlimited if the aircraft can get some water vapour and condense it. Very useful for military drones., although those might be less detectable if only electrical.

  21. Joseph Allard

    I read about an upcoming BLP demonstrations in Washington DC. Does anyone have more information about this event, as when and where? I have two other questions below:

    1) It appears the newest business plan to generate electricity will use various conventional power generators or the 90% efficient MHDG. Is the reason for dropping the electric generating “solar “ sun cell due to thermal issues?

    2) Has BLP ever published any of it manufacturers / vendors names contracted to produce BLP’s thermal and suncell and MHDG products? I am interested in learning of these companies. I am an electrical engineering and I would like to both invest and/or work in this new industry.

    Finally, I have read as much as possible about the hydrino theory and believe in it. I also read Brett’s book. I am certain that BLP will revolutionize energy production and decimate the reoccurring environmental pollution. As well I look forward to Dr. Mills’s theories finally being allowed to simplify & correct the world’s understanding of classical physics from dark matter to the 5th force & curved space.

    Bless all the souls at BLP.

  22. Joseph Heer

    I’m working through GUT-CP-2020, and wondering if there is a typo.
    On p. 30, in the text after Eq. I.117, it states that “after t cycles of transition, the radius is a.H / (mt +1).” Shouldn’t this be “a.H / (m + t +1)”? Or am I missing something?

  23. Randell Mills

    Currently the SunCell invitational demonstration is planned for the week of the 25th in Washington DC.

    PV conversion is still a competing power conversion option. MHD seems to be less capital intensive, especially given the cooling challenges of PV dense receiver array.


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